Spring 2024
Every spring Domenic takes the students to a remote village to conduct a Revival. This is where the students get to put all they have learned into practice. He calls it “a practim.” This year they went to Longido. The church there was started by one of our graduates.
It is the first time he has rented a bus to carry all the students. It’s not an unusual thing to see busses loaded with mattresses or luggage on the top, going down the highway. We have seen animals on the top and sometimes people, but it is against the law to carry them up there.
Domenic reports that so many were prayed for, healed, saved and on Sunday 36 were baptised. Young women that had graduated from the Rescue Center, who are now in the Bible School, preached full of Holy Spirt and the power of God. Their message was so powerful that many, even those of the older generations, and its traditions, changed their opinions on female circumcision and giving out their little girls in early marriage. The pastor was so excited to see such a Revival in his church. This is all the information we have received so far.
This week, at our yearly Board Meeting, the board was also excited about the progress in every area of the work in Africa. They voted for us to proceed with the well in Ol’Gulului. Currently we are paying about $129 every two months to have a water truck bring water. The well we are digging will not only benifit the school but the whole village. These people gather water where ever they can find it. As we plant gardens they will see how they can provide for their own famlies and even grow enough to sell in other places.
The cost of the well is $13,500, only $3,000 more than what the well in M’Takooja had cost. A water survey has been made and there are two possible areas we can drill. This well will be 820 feet deep. If you would like to be a part of this project, mark your donation clearly.
People are quick to respond to the Gospel when you are meeting their physical needs. We are bringing Living Water for their thiristy souls while they come for a bucket of water to meet their physical needs.
We are rejoicing in all that Good has done in yet another remote region of Tanzania.
Praising God for all He is doing!!!
Harry & Kathy