Great News…

Great News…

This has been a great week for us in both Tanzania and Kenya.  The work on the well has been completed.  They went down 820 feet and reached pure water.  All we can see is a capped off pipe.  Now they are preparing the framework to hold the water tanks; they have dug a huge hole to put the cement footings in that will hold the framework.  This work is progressing quickly too.  Once this is completed  solar power will be added to run the pump for the well.

We are praising the Lord for the gift of life changing water for this region.  One of the books we read long ago said, “When you supply the physical needs of the people, they will listen when you when you bring forth the Word of God.”  These people now know that we are true to our word about bringing water for them.  Men are very difficult to reach for the Lord, now they will be  more receptive to hear about the Lord and His saving grace.

We have even bigger news from Tanzania.  Domenic has his work permit and can once again freely travel back and forth between the two countries.  It has been a long and expensive fight to get this document but the Lord has had His way.  Praise you Lord for your faithfulness.

We saw this in the life of Daniel, the battle was raging and God sent angels to fight for him. He persevered and stayed strong in the Lord.  We haven’t faced anything like he did. Our battles build faith as we persevere.  Many times the enemy tries to wear us down by delaying things that the Lord has for us.

Don’t let any situation take your eyes off the Lord.  He is the one that has the answers for every situation in your life and will sustain you until you walk in victory.  Is 40:31 says, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint…”  And in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your ways straight.” 

Praising the Lord in all He has done and is doing in East Africa!
Harry & Kathy

The framework for the water tank is going up